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  • lhshardlow

New Year, Same Me...

Now I already know what some of you are about to say and I know that by writing this blog post one week before the end of January I am already a tad late to the party but here goes... Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had the best Christmas and New Years, however you may have chosen to have spent it, and I also hope that the start to 2022 has given everyone the fresh start that we have all needed. It is safe to say that the start of 2022 has not been the smoothest of rides over here, with my whole family coming down with covid quite swiftly after Big Ben chimed for the first time this year! And me? Well, I'm the last one fighting and I still can't seem to work out if I'm on day 4, 8 or 100 of, yet another, exciting spell of isolation. I cannot help but feel a sense of irony around the entire situation as we find ourselves almost two years on still battling the same old scenarios of March 2020...

The battle continues...each day thinking of the many new and exciting ways in which I can keep myself occupied whilst I stare endlessly at the same four walls for the remainder of these 10 days. One thing this has given me though is a moment to reflect, to pause and work out just where the path of 2022 can take me. In the risk of sounding cliche, I am a complete sucker for new beginnings and getting caught up in the 'new year, new me' mindset and to celebrate this I have put together some of my resolutions and goals to kick start this new chapter (which, for me, will begin February 1st).

  1. Like so many others out there, knowing what to do with your life can seem like a troubling puzzle with none of the right pieces fitting into place. With graduation fast approaching there is no better time like the present to work out what dream job is waiting for me round the corner - this then becomes the biggest goal of 2022!

  2. This next one is a resolution that seems to creep back up on me year after year: to be more active. Not only that, but to actually be able to stick to a fitness plan this year, whether this be to go for more walks or even to conquer my ever-growing fear of the gym, this is the year to focus more on my physical health.

  3. At the end of 2021, I was absolutely loving be able to develop my cooking skills and something that I will definitely not be leaving behind. I was kindly given a few new cookbooks for Christmas and I cannot wait to delve into them and try out some brand new recipes (and of course I will share them all with you!)

  4. Number four is a classic - to read more! Now as an English Lit. student you would have thought this one would come naturally to me, but swapping the phone for a book is harder than you think. I would love to know what your book recommendations for 2022 are!!

  5. After two years of uncertainty and plans continually being thrown back in our faces, 2022 is the year to make things happen. So the final goal is to not only make plans but also stick to them...I want to travel more, see friends that I have not seen in a very long time and also try out some new restaurants! It's time to make some more memories...


So there we have it, my goals and resolutions for 2022! I cannot wait to hear what your New Years resolutions are and what plans you have for the year ahead... let's just hope we can all stick to them.


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