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  • lhshardlow

How To Survive Online University...

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

As we begin yet another term from the comfort of our own homes, it appears that the novelty of WFH life is slowly wearing thin. I know that for many, Lockdown 3.0 has introduced various new challenges as days are colder and nights are longer. It is fair to say that routine is a thing of the past and something that has become a continual struggle for me is the ability to stay motivated. So, here are a few of my tricks and tips on how to survive online university...

Getting Organised

For me, one of the best ways to stay motivated is to get organised. This has become almost like a new ritual for me to sit down every Sunday afternoon with a cuppa in hand planning out what I need to do for the week ahead. Now whilst this won't actually help you to get the work done, being able to have that visual reminder of what you do/don't have to do is great for helping you stay on track.

Setting Goals

I have also found that setting myself goals always helps to boost me along. Write down 2-3 things that you want to achieve, this could be daily, weekly or even monthly, it's amazing how good you will feel when you can finally tick them off!

Take a Break

As we all know, these are not normal times at the moment and, let's face it, the reality of sitting at your laptop from 9 til 5 just isn't possible. Get up, get moving, chat to friends, grab a coffee - whatever you need to recharge those batteries.

Getting Active

For many of us, lockdown has introduced a whole new outlook on fitness. I've never been one to enjoy working out, but for the past year it's been my saviour. If it's a HIIT workout you want to do or just getting your 10k steps in, I can guarantee it will do wonders for the ol' motivation levels. Even just making the most of your daily walk, can set you up for a productive day of getting sh*t done!

So, there we go, my tips and tricks of how to survive online university or even just the WFH life. Would love to hear what you all think and what tips and tricks you use...



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